Getting Started with Spring Tool Suit
First you have to download the latest spring tool suit version for linux in STS official website. you can access through following link.
Extract the zip file to your the location which you’re going to install STS. my sts location is /home/tharuka/sts.
Now you have to create a desktop short cut for quick access. run following command on the terminal.
sudo nano /usr/share/applications/STS.desktop
Paste following on the text editor.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=SpringSource Tool Suite
Comment=SpringSource Tool Suite
Exec =/home/tharuka/sts/sts-bundle/sts-3.9.7.RELEASE/STS
Replace values for Exec and Icon according to your sts file location.Now open by typing Spring on quick access menu.
or go to the sts-bundle/sts-3.9.7.RELEASE folder and click on the STS icon. STS will open.
Create your first project in STS
When you launch STS at first time home page will look like this.
Click on the ‘file’ in the navigation bar. and go to ‘new>Spring Starter Project’
Give a name and package name. then click next. In the next window you can add dependencies to the pom file. Select dependencies which you want to add and click finish. I’ve given only MySQL and web dependencies. After creating the project also you can add manually dependencies to the pom.xml file.
Now you can view your folder structure in the package explorer like above. Next tutorial will be about creating a REST api with Spring. and I hope to bring you list of STS shortcuts.
Thank you.